About us

What is Piilas?

Piilas means batteries in Spanish. However, Piilas means more than that. Piilas is a call to action. Piilas wants you to think critically about your purpose. For my Latinxs and Mexicanxs out there, Ponte las Piilas--Put on the Batteries, is a phrase that carries motivation. I am sure there have been moments in your life where you just wanted to give up, but for some reason, you just did not. Piilas is the energy/empowerment you found to push through adversities that came your way. More than anybody, you know that struggle is only temporary as long as you Ponerte las Pillas--Put on the Batteries. When you wear Piilas, you carry with you values that represent: Familia, Cultura, Historia, Ense帽anza--Knowledge, Struggle, Love y un Chingo de Estilo.聽

Piilas is a brand committed to co-building partnerships through community engagement. 馃馃徑馃馃従

Mexican owned 馃嚥馃嚱
Ponte las聽@piilas!馃攱馃馃徑

驴Que聽es Piilas?

Piilas es un lugar para pensar cr铆ticamente sobre su prop贸sito. Ponte las Piilas, es una frase que conlleva motivaci贸n. Estoy seguro de que ha habido momentos en tu/sus vida(s) donde rendirse,聽tal vez es una opci贸n,聽pero por alguna raz贸n simplemente no lo hicieron. Piilas es eso, la energ铆a / empoderamiento que encontraste o encontraron para superar las adversidades que se presentaron. Usted, tu, m谩s que nadie sabe, que los malos tiempos son solo temporales, siempre y cuando te Pongas las Piilas. Cuando usas Piilas, llevas contigo valores que representan: Familia, Cultura, Historia, Ense帽anza, Lucha, Amor y un Chingo de Estilo.

Piilas es una marca comprometida a la co-construcci贸n
de asociaciones a trav茅s del compromiso聽comunitario.

